Dental implants are advanced tooth replacement options offered at our Glenview Dental Implant Center. The implants provide a sturdy foundation for the full arch zirconium teeth, offering patients a long-term solution. We specialize in providing high-quality full-arch dental implants at our Glenview Dental Implant Center ensuring our patients regain full functionality and a natural-looking smile.
Anyone missing teeth is a candidate for getting dental implants. However, you must undergo a free CT scan consultation to evaluate your needs. Based on the specific condition of your jawbone Dr. Voit and his associates will decide what options are available for you. Our experienced team of Dental Specialists at our Glenview Dental Implant Center evaluates each patient individually to determine their candidacy for dental implants, ensuring personalized care and optimal results.
While dental implants offer numerous benefits, there are potential risks to consider. Infection, inflammation, and pain are possible risks associated with oral surgical procedures. Dr. Voit and his associates are experienced and will discuss how you can manage any issues according to your needs. Advances in surgical and prosthetic protocols have eliminated the need for bone grafting.
The cost of a full arch upper/lower implant supported monolithic zirconium prosthesis (using Zirkon Zahn Premium Prettua Zirconium) at our Glenview Dental Implant Center is as low as $30,000 or less*. This fee is inclusive of all services with no hidden fees or additional charges. We strive to provide transparent pricing to our patients, ensuring they receive comprehensive care without unexpected expenses. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a CT and discuss how we can help you achieve a confident smile with our transparent pricing and financing solutions.
Some insurance companies cover dental implants to various degrees. Our office will submit a pre-treatment estimate to verify the extent of any coverage. Additionally, we help you acquire flexible financing options to make dental implants more accessible to individuals with varying budgets. We currently arrange financing so over 90% of our patients qualify for the treatment, making it affordable to have this life-changing treatment more accessible.
The dental implant procedure itself is not painful as it is performed under the effect of local anesthesia and sedation. We use a very powerful topical anesthetic on the gum tissue before administering the anesthetic injection, thus eliminating any pain. The full mouth anesthesia leaves the mouth completely numb so you don't feel any pain. Some achiness may be experienced once the local anesthetic wears off. We prescribe several strengths of pain medication to keep you comfortable.
The success rate of full arch dental implants is 98-99%. Factors including overall health, smoking cigarettes, and compliance with post-surgical instructions, especially during the healing phase of treatment, affect success rates.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as Cold Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment utilizing specific wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular activity and promote natural healing processes. Erchonia's state-of-the-art LLLT devices deliver targeted, low-intensity laser beams to the affected tissue, enhancing cell metabolism, reducing inflammation, and accelerating tissue repair. Widely used for pain management, wound healing, and various musculoskeletal conditions, Erchonia's LLLT offers a safe, effective, and drug-free solution for patients seeking relief and improved quality of life.
Erchonia uses low-level lasers in the visible light spectrum. The primary mechanism for absorbing visible light photons is the elevation of electrons to higher energy levels. This is known as molecular excitement and can be explained deeper through visible/ UV Spectroscopy.
Visible light photons match the energy volt (eV) or frequency between the orbits of electrons to move the electron to a higher state (excite). It is in this excited state that chemical reactions of molecules occur. One of the most important chemical reactions is when photons of visible light energy strike certain atoms, that energy may push an electron to a higher energy level where it can be picked up by an electron acceptor. The electron transport chain uses high-energy electrons to convert ADP into ATP. The electron transport chain (ETC) is the primary source of ATP production in the body and is vital for life!